

In our work, the exploration of historical human-nature relationships is not in contrast to the exploration of urban history. Rather, we understand the two focal points of the section as two complementary and mutually influential fields of research. Our research projects cover numerous topics from this spectrum: the history of urban infrastructures such as electricity and water supply, the planning of cities and their sustainable development, and the representation and "materiality" of city and nature. The work on the projects of our section is not only carried out in active exchange with colleagues from other universities worldwide, but also together with researchers from other disciplines. Since we attach importance to research-oriented teaching, we also design our courses according to current topics and questions of urban and environmental history.

Am Fachgebiet erforschen wir die Neuere Geschichte seit dem 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart. Im Zentrum steht dabei unter anderem die Geschichte des Anthropozäns als menschengemachtes Zeitalter. Darüber hinaus beschäftigen wir uns mit der Geschichte von Risiken und Vorsorge, mit dem Wandel urbaner Räume und der modernen Mediengesellschaft. Aktuelle Projekte widmen sich zudem den historischen Zusammenhängen von Gewalt und Protest.

DFG-Project “Großsiedlungen in der Krise? ”

Project: Großsiedlungen in der Krise?

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