
HDSM lectures available on the OpenLearnWare channel of TU Darmstadt:

  • The lectures brought together under the series entitled 'Digitial Methods in the Humanities' introduce viewers to core methods of digital humanities, and digitally-augmented historical research more widely. The lectures not only introduce viewers to the key concepts and techniques that underpin a range of methods used in digital humanities research, they also reflect on the contexts, affordances and limitations of these methods for Humanities sources. The lectures that are brought together here have been recorded in the context of the teaching, learning and research activities of the Chair of Humanities Data Science and Methodology, TU Darmstadt.
  • The joint Multimodal Digital Oral History virtual seminar series was convened by Andrew Flinn (UCL) & Julianne Nyhan (TU Darmstadt & UCL) and co-hosted by the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies UCL; the Chair of Humanities Data Science and Methodology, TU Darmstadt, Germany; the International Centre for Archives and Records Management Research, UCL; and the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities. It took as its jumping off point, that the time is right to pursue a Multimodal Digital Oral History, or one that engages with oral history artefacts in all their representational modalities: transcript, sound, waveform, metadata and more. This seminar accordingly invited papers that explored any of the questions about this to contribute to the task of imagining a “Multimodal Digital Oral History” turn.
  • “Collection as Data” symposium series welcomes a range of speakers interested in the intersections between collections as data, the history of collections, critical archival studies, heritage infrastructures and information science research. It explores questions like: how can technology be used to bring together the historical collections held by museums, galleries, libraries and archives so as to allow new questions to be asked about cultural heritage collections at scale and the information that documents those collections? How can digital humanities and collections as data research facilitate richer, more critical understandings of the origins and development of museum collections by devising computational and conceptual approaches to the detection and exposition of processes like colonialism, empire and slavery that have shaped collections and their classifications? How can collections as data research respond to the interests of a plurality of voices, to ensure that future digital collections and infrastructues represent many interests and not only those of curators, digital humanists, information scientists and other disciplinary specialists?

To all the HDSM lectures available on the OpenLearnWare channel of TU Darmstadt.