Picture: Foto Studio Hirch

Dr. Stephan Ebert

History of the Middle Ages

Research and teaching fellow | | Speaker of the research fellows


work +49 6151 16-57325

Work S3|12 417
Postal address: Dolivostr. 15
Residenzschloss 1
64283 Darmstadt

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Please consult ORCID and TU Biblio to learn more about my publications.

Follow this link for a more detailed list of publications, talks and more. (opens in new tab)


Main interests

  • Climate and Environmental History
  • Early Middle Ages and Carolingian Time
  • Cultural History and History of Ideas
  • Food Studies
  • Public History

Habilitation project

Zwischen Buch, Feld und Kochtopf. Zugänge zu einer Wissens- und Kulturgeschichte der Ernährung im deutschsprachigen Raum des ausgehenden Mittelalters

PhD project

‚Der Umwelt begegnen‘. Extremereignisse und die Verflechtung von Natur und Kultur im Frankenreich vom 8. bis 10. Jahrhundert (i.e., “Encountering the Environment. Extreme Events and the Interrelation of Nature and Culture in the Frankish Realm from the 8th to the 10th Century CE”) [submitted 19 December 2019]

First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gerrit Jasper Schenk

Second supervisor: PD Dr. Christian Jörg


  • 12/2016 Coordination of the Conference“Theoretisieren, Argumentieren, Disziplinieren. Machtträger und (Krisen-) Management im Zeichen der Moral (8.–16. Jh.). 9.–10. December 2016” TU Darmstadt, together with Kristin Zech).
  • 11/2016 Co-Preparation for the exhibition of Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt: “Die Goldene Bulle Kaiser Karls IV. 1356-2016. Das Kurkölner Exemplar in Darmstadt – 19.12.2016-19.03.2017” Coordination: Prof. Dr. Gerrit J. Schenk, Björn Gebert, M.A.)
  • 2015/2016 Co-Preparation for the exhibition of Department 2 „Kultur – Reflexion – Perspektiven“

Awards and qualifications

2019 Writing consultant, Technical University of Darmstadt (i.e. certificate “Coaching and Training in Writing”)

2018 Athene-Award (for excellent teaching)

2018 Zertifikat Hochschullehre (i.e. “Certificate in University Teaching”, 18 ECVET points)

Please visit the German version for more information.