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Letizia Curreri

Mittelalterliche Geschichte

Mitglied des Graduiertenkollegs KRITIS


work +49 6151 16-28573

Work S4|22 303
Postanschrift: Dolivostr. 15
Landwehrstr. 48a
64293 Darmstadt

seit Oktober 2022

Promotion an der TU Darmstadt, Graduiertenkolleg KRITIS, Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Gerrit Jasper Schenk.


Master, Universität Florenz


Bachelor, Universität Florenz


Talk I possedimenti Siciliani dell'Ospedale di San Giovanni (The Sicilian property of the Hospital of St. John), conference of studies Translatio Sanctitatis. Tra Terrasanta e Santiago: le pergamene ritrovate e il culto di San Giacomo a Capizzi (Capizzi, 27-28 luglio 2021) (Translatio Sanctitatis. Between the Holy Land and Santiago: the rediscovered parchments and the cult of St James in Capizzi – 27/28 July 2021, Capizzi).


Social history – political history – settlement mapping – Medieval Sicily – Military Orders


The hospitallers in Sicily during the 15th Century: proprieties and water supply of the Priory of Messina (provisional title)

The project aims to identify the proprieties owned by the Hospitallers in Sicily and relate them to the territorial geography, to study their settlement about the territorial morphology and hydromorphology of Sicily.