Kevin Liggieri, Marco Tamborini und Alexander Friedrich receive Athene Award for Good Teaching 2022

Course awarded for independent scholarly publication in philosophy and history


The Athene Prize was awarded to exceptional teaching formats in Darmstadt on November 23, 2023. The prize of the Department of Social and Historical Sciences goes to Kevin Liggieri, Marco Tamborini and Alexander Friedrich for encouraging and excellently guiding students to independent scientific publication in philosophy and history.

Gesellschafts- und Geschichtswissenschaften: Alexander Friedrich, PD Dr. habil. Marco Tamborini und Dr. Kevin Liggieri (v.l.n.r.)

The awards, each endowed with 2,000 euros, honor academic teaching at TU Darmstadt. The award ceremony is the traditional closing event of the Day of Teaching, which is dedicated to current issues and challenges in the field of teaching and learning at the TU Darmstadt.

Alexander Friedrich, Marco Tamborini and Kevin Liggieri received the award of the FB 02 Social and Historical Sciences for encouragement and excellent guidance for independent scientific publication in philosophy and history of philosophy in the course “Philosophical Writing Workshop”.