Bild: Patrick Bal, TU Darmstadt

Prof. Dr. Julianne Nyhan, FRHistS

Humanities Data Science and Methodology

Fachgebietsleitung HDSM | Geschäftsführung Institut für Geschichte


work +49 6151 16-57309
fax +49 6151 16-57464

Work S3|12 422
Postanschrift: S3|13
Residenzschloss 1
64283 Darmstadt

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Social media

Ich twittere @juliannenyhan und blogge gelegentlich.

Coming soon

Die aktuellste Liste der Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Julianne Nyhan ist auf ihrer persönlichen Website zu finden.

Main research interests of Prof. Dr. Julianne Nyhan:

Digital Humanities including, but not limited to, the semantic markup, modeling, enrichment and analysis of historical sources and lexicographical/linguistic material; source criticism and hermeneutics; applied digital methods.

The history of Digital Humanities especially its researching non-cannonical histories. My particular interest is on uncovering 'hidden', overlooked or devalued contributions to the field's emergence and development (and knowledge production more generally).

Oral history as practice and theory and the affordances of digital methods in the analysis of oral history interviews, individually and at scale.

Critical Heritage Studies especially its intersections with Digital Cultural Heritage and Collections as Data research.

The history of Computing especially in the Humanities, with a particular emphasis on gender and technology and the history of women in computing.

Bibliometrics, Scientometrics along with more qualitative approaches to peer review and evaluation.

The history of information and classification architectures, especially those used in dictionaries and object catalogues.

More about the research interests of Prof. Dr. Julianne Nyhan.

Lehre im Wintersemester 2024-25:

Vorlesung: 02-04-0100-vl Digital oral history exploring the state of the art

Mo 14:25-16:05, S313/30

Beginn: 14.10.24, Ende: 10.02.25

Oberseminar: 02-04-0127-os Forschungs-/Oberseminar Neuere Geschichte/Technikgeschichte (Nyhan)

Di 16:15-17:55, S102/36

Beginn: 15.10.24, Ende:11.02.25

02-24-0115-ps Proseminar Geschichte für fachfremde Studierende

Di 14:25-16:05, S313/112

Beginn: 15.10.24, Ende:11.02.25

02-04-0700-se Master-Seminarr

Mo 16:15-17:55, S313/110

Beginn: 14.10.24, Ende:10.02.25

02-04-0541-pr Praktikum Geschichte (Nyhan)

Beginn: 01.10.2024, Ende: 31.03.2025

02-04-0140-bs Begleitendes Selbststudium

Beginn: 01.10.2024, Ende: 31.03.2025


Beginn: 01.10.2024, Ende: 31.03.2025

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte von Prof. Dr. Julianne Nyhan.

Coming soon

Betreuung von Doktorarbeiten



  • D. Leem, Data analytical approaches to the information architectures of Sir Hans Sloane’s early-modern Miscellanies catalogue. University College London, UK


  • B. Johnstone, Eliciting the information behaviours of dance researchers using archival resources: accessibility and the dance archive. University College London, UK (primary supervisor Andrew Flinn, UCL Information Studies)
  • M. Almeshari, Adaptive Visitor Guides and Cultural Heritage (primary supervisor John Dowell, UCL Computer Science)



  • 2022. M. Humbel, The Digitisation and Open Access Politics of Social Movement Archives. University College London, UK
  • 2022. Loboda, Transforming visitor experience with museum technologies: the development and evaluation of the impact of a recommender system on visitor experience in a physical museum


  • 2022. K. Fyfe, Challenging Voices: Documenting and Archiving UK-Based DIY Music Spaces (primary supervisor Andrew Flinn, UCL Information Studies)
  • 2021. J. Gao, Visualising the intellectual and social structures of Digital Humanities using an invisible college model (primary supervisor Oliver duke-Williams, Dept of Information Studies, UCL )
  • 2021. H. Smyth, Digital Archives and the Irish Commemorative Impulse: Gender, Identity,and Digital Cultural Heritage. (primary supervisor Andrew Flinn, Dept of Information Studies UCL)

Masterarbeiten (Erstbetreuung)

  • 2023. M. Meleshko-Sudina. “The digital approaches to detecting and analysing propaganda in historical newspapers: the Kyiv example 1941 – 1943”. TU Darmstadt, Germany
  • And some 25 other MS and MSc dissertations supervised between 2011 and 2021 in University College London

Prüfungskommission für Doktorarbeit

  • 2022. Joris J. van Zundert. Scholarship in Interaction: Case Studies at the Intersection of Codework and Textual Scholarship. Universiteit Leiden. The Netherlands
  • 2022. G. Goetzelmann. Computergestützte Analyse von Illustrationswiederverwendungen in deutschsprachigen Drucken des 16. Jahrhunderts“ (Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Andrea Rapp, TU Darmstadt)
  • 2021. V. Vavassori Digital Narratives in Physical Museums. Narrative Construction with Contextual Technologies. The Di Casa in Casa Chatbot and the Museum of Augmented Urban Art in Milan. Department of Digital Humanities. King’s College London, UK
  • 2019. L.C. Dietz Legitimacy and reputation of e-books and e-novels. University College London, UK
  • 2018. Royal School of Library and Information Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 2018. R. Gartner. Intermediary XML Schemas, Department of Library and Information Science, City University, UK
  • 2013. K. Schopflin. The Encyclopaedia as a form of the Book. Department of Information Studies, University College London
  • 2014. AMM Eveleigh. Crowding out the Archivist? Implications of online user participation for archival theory and practice. Department of Information Studies, University College London

Externer Gutachter

  • External Examiner, MPhil in Digital Humanities Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (2022—25)
  • External Examiner, BA in Digital Humanities and Information Technology, University College Cork, Ireland. (2014–17)