

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Gerrit Jasper Schenk
+49 6151 16-57319
S3|12 416
PD Dr. Melanie Panse-Buchwalter
+49 6151 16-57410
S3|12 416
Dipl.-Übers. Anita Schilz
Administrative assistant
+49 6151 16-57468
S3|12 419


  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Weileder
Assistant Professor "History of the Middle Ages: Basic Historical Sciences"
+49 89 20980285
apl. Prof. Dr. Volkhard Huth
Speaker of the Evenarí Forum
+49 6251 62211
Prof. Dr. Lars Adler
Honorary professor
+ 49 6151 1626242

Research associates

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Dr. Stephan Ebert
Research and teaching fellow | | Speaker of the research fellows
+49 6151 16-57325
S3|12 417
Letizia Curreri
Member of the Research Training Group KRITIS
+49 6151 16-28573
S4|22 303
Nicolai Hillmus M.A.
Research Fellow "The River Weschnitz Fluvioscape"
+49 6151 16-57492
S3|12 511
Raphael Longoni M.A.
Research Fellow "Deciphering the fluvio-social metabolism of the Upper Rhine area"
+49 6151 16-57444
S3|12 511

Student assistants and former staff members

Undergraduate assistants
Emeriti and former staff members Find list of former staff members

The Middle-Ages-Team (left to right): Anita Schilz, Raphael Longoni, Stephan Ebert, Gerrit Schenk, Nicolai Hillmus, Jessica Pleier, Katja Wolschendorf, Kai Geimer and Georg Walter (missing on this foto: Leandra Blum, Letizia Curreri, Lucy Lommel and Nicholas Stroth)

Habilitation candidates:

Martin Bauch

Dr. Stephan Ebert

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Weileder

PhD candidates:

Dr. Stephanie Eifert

Björn Gebert

Nicolai Hillmus

Florian Kehm

Raphael Longoni

Yannick Pultar

Thomas Roth

Kristin Zech