Winter semester 2019/20:
- 18th lecture series: “Exile”, start: 28.10.2019, room 123 (Old Main Building), every Monday 18.05-19.45h
Summer semester 2019:
- Advanced seminar: “Ancient Cultures in Palestine and New Conflicts about their Heritage” (Prof. Dr. Friedrich Battenberg, Prof. Dr. Volkhard Huth)
Winter semester 2018/19:
- 17th lecture series: “Redemption and Conspiracy”, start: 15.10.2018, room 123 (Old Main Building), Mondays 18.05-19.45h
Winter semester 2017/18:
- 16th lecture series: “Jewish Heritage”, start: 23.10.2017, room 123 (Old Main Building), Mondays 18.05-19.45h
Summer semester 2017:
- Interdisciplinary Israel excursion, 03 – 17 September 2017
- Main and preparatory seminar: “History, Culture, Environment and Energy in the Middle East” (Prof. Dr. Friedrich Battenberg, Prof. Dr. Volkhard Huth). You can download the semester program as PDF (opens in new tab) . here
Winter semester 2016/17:
- 15th lecture series: “The world beyond Luther. Fundamentalisms and Transformations before and after 1517”, start: 24.10.2016, Room 123 (Old Main Building), Mondays 18.05-19.45h
Winter semester 2015/16:
- 14th lecture series: “Jewish Artists & Jewish Art Heritage”, beginning: 19.10.2015, Room 123 (Old Main Building), Mondays 18.05-19.45h
Winter semester 2014/15:
- 13th lecture series: “Foundations”, start: 23.10.2014, room S1 01/A03 (basement), Thursdays 18.05-19.45h
Winter semester 2013/14:
- 12th lecture series: “Science and Judaism”, beginning: 21.10.2013, S3/13 (Residence Palace), lecture hall 36, Mondays 18.05-19.45h
Winter semester 2012/13:
- 11th lecture series: “Disasters”, start: 29.10.2012, S3/13 (Residence Palace), lecture hall 36, every Monday 18.05-19.45h
Summer semester 2012:
- Interdisciplinary Israel Excursion 2012
Winter semester 2011/12:
- 10th lecture series: “After Auschwitz – Jewish Life in Germany after 1945”, start: 31.10.2011, S3/13 (Residence Palace), lecture hall 36, Mondays 18.05-19.45h
Winter semester 2010/11:
- 9th lecture series: “Continuities and breaks – the TH Darmstadt from 1920 – 1960”, start: 01.11.2010, room 221 (Old Main Building), every Monday 18.05-19.45h
- Seminar/Project: “Communication in European High Finance” (PD Dr. Rainer Liedtke, Institute for History of the TU Darmstadt; with support of the Evenarí-Forum)
Summer semester 2010:
- Laying of Stumbling Stones for Victims of the Nazi Regime at the TU Darmstadt, especially a “Stumbling Stone” (Stolperstein) for Prof. Dr. Michael Evenarí.
Winter semester 2009/10:
- 8th lecture series: “From Nineveh to Jerusalem to Darmstadt – Cities in the context of material and immaterial endowment and development”
Summer semester 2009:
- Exhibition “Verstummte Stimmen” (Silenced Voices) in cooperation with the State Archive Darmstadt (Exhibition online in the “Digital Archive” from April 2008)
Winter semester 2008/09:
- 7th lecture series: “The Middle East Conflict in Space and Time”. Start: 27.10.2008, S1|01 Room 221, every Monday 18.05-19.45h
- Seminar: in preparation for the Israel Excursion in February 2009 (Organizer: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Battenberg, Prof. Dr. Franz Fujara, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoppe, Dr. Dirk Reitz), Start: 20.10.2008, S3|13, Room 56 (Residence Palace), Mondays 8.00-9.45h
- Israel excursion from 16.02. to 01.03.2009 (14 days)
- Exercise: “Theatre Politics in the Nazi State” (Organizer: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Battenberg, Dr. Boris v. Haken), in preparation of the exhibition “Verstummte Stimmen” (Silenced Voices) in cooperation with the State Archive and the Staatstheater Darmstadt, Start: 20.10.2008, room 264 in the State Archive, Mondays 16.15-17.55h
Winter semester 2007/08:
- 6th lecture series: “Cultures”. Start: 30.10.2007, room 223 (Old Main Building), Mondays 18.05-19.45h
- Exhibition (in cooperation with the State Archive Darmstadt): “Used and yet despised: From Chamberlain to Rural Jew – History of the Jews in the pre-modern era on the Middle Rhine”
Summer semester 2007:
- Exercise: “Israel – Natural and Cultural History of the Middle East” (Prof. Dr. A. Hoppe/ Dr. D. Reitz)
- Interdisciplinary excursion to Israel (23.9.-5.10.2007)
Winter semester 2006/07:
- 5th lecture series: “Violence”. Start: 30.10.2006, room 223 (Old Main Building), Mondays 18.05-19.55h
- Seminar: “Source and Archive Studies on the History of the Jews in the Pre-Modern Period: Preparation of a Documentary Exhibition” (Prof. Dr. F. Battenberg/ Dr. A. Holtmann-Mares)
- Lecture by Mr. Asher Ben-Natan, Israel's first ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, on the topic of “Lived civil courage” on 19.01.2007 in the lecture hall of the ULB
Summer semester 2006:
- Seminar: “The Jews of the pre-modern times at the Middle Rhine II” (Prof. Dr. Friedrich Battenberg/ Dr. A. Holtmann-Mares)
Winter semester 2005/06:
- 4th lecture series: “Land”
- Seminar: “The Jews of the pre-modern period on the Middle Rhine” (Prof. Dr. Friedrich Battenberg/ Dr. A. Holtmann-Mares)
Summer semester 2005:
- Lecture event with Prof. Dr. Martin van Creveld (Jerusalem)
Winter semester 2004/05:
- 3rd lecture series: “Water”
- Visit of the exhibition “Europe's Jews in the Middle Ages” in Speyer
Summer semester 2004:
- Excursion to the synagogues at Bergstraße (Leutershausen, Auerbach, Pfungstadt); Date: June 5 or 6, 2004; guided tour by Prof. Schnurr
- Lecture by Dr. Angelika Timm (Jerusalem/Berlin) on 6 July 2004: "Israel – Jewish State or State for all its Citizens? (Literature: TIMM, Angelika: Israel – Gesellschaft im Wandel, Opladen 2003)
Winter semester 2003/04:
- Second lecture series: “Exodus of Science and Literature”. In the summer semester, an accompanying volume was published in the “Gelbe Reihe” of the TU Darmstadt
Summer semester 2003:
- Lecture by Prof. Dr. Manfred Koob (TU Darmstadt – Architecture) about his projects for computer-aided building reconstruction with special regard to the reconstruction of synagogues in Germany
Winter semester 2001/02:
- 1st series of lectures on topics of German-Israeli interest, lectured among others: Ambassador (ret.) Avi Primor, Prof. Michael Wolffsohn
Summer semester 2001:
- Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alfred Jacoby (Frankfurt) on “In a new spirit, new synagogues in Germany”.