Online Lecture Series: “Tropenbau” – Building the Tropics into the Curriculum
07.11.2023 von Giuseppina Amenta
This winter semester 23/24, a lecture series will be held on the history of „tropical architecture“. The Lecture series will start on 9th November (6 p.m.).

The lecture series builds upon an interdisciplinary research seminar organized by Dr Frederike Lausch (Department 15 Architecture) and Adrian Franco (Department 02 History) at TU-Darmstadt, and which investigates the institutional history of the former „Institut für Tropisches Bauen“ (1970-1979) and its later successor „Fachgebiet Planen und Bauen in Entwicklungsländern“ (1980-2001) at the Technical University of Darmstadt.
The first speakers will be Rachel Lee (Delft University of Technology) and Monika Motylinska (Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung) on “Tropical Architecture Made in Bavaria? Lippsmeier+Partner and Institute for Building in the Tropics”.
All lectures will be held online via Zoom. Please register here:
Please find the extended description of the series and the schedule (both in German) on: