„Richard Sennett currently serves as Senior Advisor to the United Nations on its Program on Climate Change and Cities. He is Senior Fellow at the Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University and Visiting Professor of Urban Studies at MIT.
Previously, he founded the New York Institute for the Humanities, taught at New York University and at the London School of Economics, and served as President of the American Council on Work.
Over the course of the last five decades, he has written about social life in cities, changes in labour, and social theory. His books include The Hidden Injuries of Class, The Fall of Public Man, The Corrosion of Character, The Culture of the New Capitalism, The Craftsman, and Building and Dwelling.
Among other awards, he has received the Hegel Prize, the Spinoza Prize, an honorary doctorate from Cambridge University, and the Centennial Medal from Harvard University. Richard Sennett grew up in the Cabrini Green housing project in Chicago. He attended the Julliard School in New York, where he worked with Claus Adam, cellist of the Julliard Quartet. He then studied social relations at Harvard, working with David Riesman, and independently with Hannah Arendt.“
06/2020 – present Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Social Theory (Prof. Dr. Reckwitz) Postdoctoral research fellow
01/2014 – 05/2020 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Political Theory and Intellectual History (Prof. Dr. Münkler) Research and teaching fellow
01/2019 – 02/2019 Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society Visiting Researcher »Democracy and Digitalization«
01/2016 – 06/2016 University of California, Berkeley, Institute of European Studies (Prof. Mark Bevir) Visiting Researcher in political theory
04/2013 – 12/2013 Humboldt Research Track Scholar of Excellence and Visiting Lecturer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
09/2019 Doctorate (summa cum laude), HU Berlin
Reviewers: Herfried Münkler, Hartmut Rosa, Silvia von Steinsdorff
Thesis: Technologisches Regieren. Der Aufstieg des Netzwerk- Denkens in der Krise der Moderne. (submitted 11/2018)
03/2013 Master of Arts: Social Sciences (1,0), HU Berlin
08/2010 Bachelor of Arts: Literature, Social Sciences (1,2), HU Berlin
Technologisches Regieren. Der Aufstieg des Netzwerk-Denkens in der Krise der Moderne. Foucault, Luhmann und die Kybernetik. Transcript, 2021 (Edition transcript, 8).
• Hartmut Rosa: »geradezu ein Meisterstück […], an der die gesellschaftstheoretische Diskussion nicht wird vorbeigehen können.« (vollständige Zitate und Quellen auf meiner Website)
• Herfried Münkler: »eine herausragende Studie, an der die Sozialwissenschaft nicht vorbeikommt«
• Julian Müller, Soziopolis: »Wie jedes gute Buch verändert auch dieses den Blick auf die Gegenwart.«
• Isabel Kusche, Soziologische Revue: » eine beeindruckende Theoriearbeit, die durch die Originalität des zentralen Argumentes besticht […] eine Studie von außergewöhnlicher Stringenz und Überzeugungskraft«
Political ideas of the network society: Why digitalization research needs critical conceptual analysis. In: Journal of Political Science (ZPol), 30(online first).
Network Concepts in Social Theory: Foucault and Cybernetics. In: European Journal of Social Theory, 24(online first), 2021.
Demokratie. In: S. Lorenz (Hg.), In Gesellschaft Richard Sennetts. Perspektiven auf ein Lebenswerk (S. 83-102). Transcript, 2021.
Von ›Unregierbarkeit‹ zu Governance: Neoliberale, teleologische und technologische Staatskritik. In: A. Cavuldak (Hg.), Die Grammatik der Demokratie. Das Staatsverständnis von Peter Graf Kielmansegg (Staatsverständnisse 124, S. 287-312). Nomos, 2019.
Date of birth: 05.03.1987, Datteln
Business address: University of HohenheimChair for Sociology (560F)Wollgrasweg 23, D-70599 Stuttgart+49 (0)711 459-22631mona.bardmann@uni-hohenheim.de
Academic career and training
Since 2022 Working title dissertation “Transformational identity in high reliability organizations – Identity in working contexts impacted by digitalization”
10.2017 – 12.2019 Master of Arts in Media and Cultural Sociology, Trier University, Degree 2019, Master of Arts (M.A.)
10.2014 – 10.2017 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Philosophy, Trier University, Degree 2017, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
08.2011 – 04.2013 Accompanying training to become a certified economist (CCI), Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Saarland, Degree
2013, Master Professional in Business Management (CCI)
Work experience
Since 11.2020 Research assistant at the DFG-Project ANDROMEDA (Autonomy and control in digital work contexts of high-reliability organizations: The cases of medical centers and airports) at Chair for Sociology (560F), University of Hohenheim, Hohenheim
Since 01.2020 Research assistant at the Chair for Sociology (560F), University of Hohenheim, Hohenheim
11.2018 – 10.2021 Project administration DIAMANT project at Chair for Sociology (560F), University of Hohenheim, Hohenheim
08.2006 – 07.2014 Clerk for purchase and sale of special steels, Weinmann & Co. GmbH, Zweibrücken
08.2003 – 07.2006 Training as Management Assistant for Wholesale and Foreign Trade Weinmann & Co. GmbH, Zweibrücken (regional steel supplier)
2021 Bardmann, Mona-Maria: Multicultural Teamwork – Unification of Differences in Digitalized Work Contexts? In: Klumpp, Matthias & Ruiner, Caroline (Eds.): Digital Supply Chains and the Human Factor. Lecture Notes in Logistics. Berlin: Springer, 125-145.
2020 Ruiner, Caroline & Bardmann, Mona-Maria: Rezensierte Publikation: Thomas Duschlbauer, Sieglinde Martin, Pierre Saffarnia (Eds.): Organisationskommunikation im Zeichen der Digitalisierung. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2018. Arbeit 29 (3-4), 239-241.
Email: d.j.bertulfo@tudelft.nl Home Address: Gouden Rijderplein 55, 2645 EZ Delfgauw Contact Number: +31687653885
I am a second year PhD candidate in TU Delft. With backgrounds in economics, psychology and mathematics, I aim to understand how computational infrastructures and agility interact in reconfiguring, transforming and disrupting the dynamics of global production. Prior to entering TU Delft’s PhD program, I was with the Asian Development Bank doing research work on the macroeconomic measurement of global value chains. I have also collaborated with colleagues in the academe doing work on wages, jobs and technology, among other topics with a sociopolitical slant.
Delft University of Technology
PhD Candidate, Critical Computing in the Public Interest
– Department of Multi-Actor Systems, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
University of the Philippines-Diliman
M.S. Applied Mathematics (Optimization and Approximations Track)
– Thesis: “A Machine Learning Approach to Narrative Retrieval in Economic News: The Case of Oil Price Uncertainty”
Ateneo de Manila University Quezon City, Philippines A.B. Economics (Honors Program) and A.B. Psychology 2011–2015 magna cum laude, rank 13 out of 2000+ graduates; rank 1 in Economics program; rank 1 in Psychology program
– Economics thesis: “The Ties that Bind: The Impact of Partner-Country Membership in the ASEAN on Philippine Bilateral Export Trade”
∗ Finalist, Best Economics Undergraduate Thesis
– Psychology Thesis: “Positioning Analysis of Filipino Family Narratives in the Context of Prisoner Reintegration”
∗ First Place, Best Psychology Undergraduate Thesis
Publications (Journal Article, Book Chapter, Working Paper)
• M. Teng-Calleja, J.A. Clemente, D. J. Bertulfo and M. L. Menguito (2021), “Toward the Pursuit of What People Value: Determining a Living Wage Based on Capability Gaps”, International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation.
• M. Teng-Calleja, R. Jocson, A. Acosta, M.T. Ocampo, D. J. Bertulfo and M.R. Hechanova (2020), “Examining the Impact of Community-Based Behavioral Drug Treatment: A Case Study from the Philippines”, The Journal of Behavioral Science, 15(2), 1-15.
• E. Ilac, D. J. Bertulfo and N. Castro (2019), “Leadership and Organizational Development.” In E. Franco, M. Teng-Calleja and M.R. Hechanova (Eds), Organization Development Practice in the Philippines, Ateneo University Press.
• S. Ellorenco, M. Teng-Calleja, D. J. Bertulfo, J.A. Clemente and M.L. Menguito (2019), “Work-Nonwork Spillover of Wage Justice through Work Capabilities in Low and Middle Income Workers”, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 20(3), 329-344.
• D. J. Bertulfo, E. Gentile and G.J. de Vries (2019), “The Employment Effects of Technological Innovation, Consumption and Participation in Global Value Chains: Evidence from Asia”, Asian Development Bank Working Paper No. 572.
• A. Abiad, K. Baris, J.A. Bernabe, D. J. Bertulfo, S. Camingue-Romance, P.N. Feliciano, M.J. Mariasingham and V. Mercer-Blackman (2018), “The Impact of Trade Conflict on Developing Asia”, Asian Development Bank Working Paper No. 566.
• R. Mendoza, D. J. Bertulfo and J.P. Cruz (2018), “From Megaproject to White Elephant: Lessons from the Philippines’ Bataan Nuclear Power Plant”, Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, 66(3), 335-374.
• D. J. Bertulfo, N. Canoy and M. Celeste (2016), “Positioning Analysis of Filipino Family Narratives in the Context of Prisoner Reintegration”, Sage Open, October-December, 1-12.
• R. Mendoza, Y. G. Paras and D. J. Bertulfo (2016), “The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant in the Philippines: Lessons from a White Elephant Megaproject”, Ateneo School of Government Working Paper 16-001.
Technical University Berlin
Chair of Sociology of Technology and Innovation
Research Associate in the DFG funded project SoCoRob
Email: christian.2.garland@kcl.ac.uk christiangarland@hotmail.com
The International Political Economy Research Group
https://www.kcl.ac.uk/research/the-international-political-economy- research-group
Contemporary Marxism Research Group https://www.kcl.ac.uk/research/contemporary-marxism-research-group-1
PhD Thesis: ‘Flexible Subjects: A Contemporary Critical Theory of ‘Flexibility’/Precarity’ Supervisor: Dr Lucia Pradella Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy International Political Economy Research
Research Interests and areas of specialization
Philosophy, Social Theory, Critical Theory in particular Marx and the first generation Frankfurt School: Adorno, Horkheimer, Benjamin, Marcuse, et al; unorthodox and non- doctrinaire Marxism; critique of political economy and international political economy especially as this is focused on the changing terms of social reproduction, agency and the social subject in globalized class society.
The PhD thesis and dissertation to be submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, ‘Flexible Subjects: A Contemporary Critical Theory of ‘Flexibility’/Precarity’ aims to develop a Critical Theory of the concept of ‘flexibility’ and the social reality this ideological concept seeks to veil and erroneously explain and justify: precarity and contingency.
The study investigates the reality of ‘flexibility’/precarity in the contemporary UK: in a society in which work is the primary means of social reproduction, ‘flexible subjects’ are made to accept their own condition of indefinite insecurity and servitude willingly as if it were their own making, and as if they had control over those same conditions when it is not and they do not, but must accept this at any cost.
This thesis and dissertation also critically explore the two concepts’ discursive substance with a substantial empirical chapter of interviews with base union organisers in the ‘gig economy’.
key areas: social inequality, spatial and social mobility, segregation
George, S. (2021): „Klimagerechte Mobilität und die soziale Frage. Die Verkehrswende darf kein Elitenprojekt sein“, WZB Mitteilungen, 174: 32- 34.
George, S. (2021): „Weg vom Auto. Klimagerechte Mobilität bedeutet auch die Teilhabe der Vielen“, WZB Mitteilungen, 173: 24- 26.
02/2021 – now University of Oxford, St Antony’s College
Dahendorf Programme “Europe in a changing world”
06/2021 – now WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Research group digital mobility and social differentiation
Research Fellow
06/2020-05/2021 WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Research group digital mobility and social differentiation
Research Assistant
04/2018-05/2021 Freie Universität Berlin | MA political science Final grade: 1.3
MA-thesis: The mobility turn in the context of growing social inequality. An analysis of individualization within the mobility turn
09/2019-01/2020 University of Haifa, Israel
Exchange semester MA political science
10/2014-03/2018 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Bachelor of Arts Political science and intercultural communication
TU Darmstadt
Since February 2019 Martina Heßler is Professor of the History of Technology at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Currently she is working on the man-machine-relationship in the 20th century and on the history of emotions. Recently she edited the following volumes: Provokationen der Technikgeschichte (together with Heike Weber) 2019, Technikemotionen 2020 and Handbuch Technikanthropologie (together with Kevin Liggieri) 2020. She is currently working on a book about “Flawed Humans”.
Website of Martina Heßler at the TU Darmstadt
since 2022 University of Zurich | Assistant at the Chair of Vocational and ContinuingEducation at the Institute of Educational Sciencesince 2021 University of Zurich | Assistant at the Chair of Vocational and ContinuingEducation at the Institute of Educational Science
2019 – 2021 University of Zurich | Department of Methods, student assistant in the project„Digital Edition of the Copybooks from Pestalozzi's Institute Yverdon“.
2018 University of Zurich | Department of Methods, tutor of the seminar„Historical and Textual Analytical Methods“ (1 semester)
2017 – 2021 University of Zurich | Master of Education (major) and Social Sciences(minor subject), Master thesis on discursively constructed Swiss identitywithin education for sustainable development
2014, 2016 College of Education Zurich | Lecturer Mathematics Department2009-2014 Primary school Illnau | Primary school teacher as well as practical teacher forteacher students
2006-2009 Primary School Schlieren | Primary school teacher
2003-2006 College of Education Zurich | Bachelor studies, primary teaching diploma
2002-2003 Cantonal Maturity School for Adults | Pre-course for the College ofEducation Zurich
2002-2003 UBS AG Zurich | Business Client Services
2000-2002 UBS AG Zurich | Post-graduate teaching program JUNA
1997-2000 UBS AG Zurich | Banking apprenticeship with professional baccalaureate
Timo Leimbach is Associate Professor at the department for Digital Design and Information Studies, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University. He is affiliated to the Center of Science, Technology, and Society studies and to the Center for IT Project Management and Innovation, where he researches among others recent trends in project management as well as the impact of digital innovation on business. He received a master degree in Economic and Modern History as well as Business Administration with a focus on organization and information systems from the University of Mannheim, Germany (2003). In 2009 he obtained his PhD from the LMU Munich for his thesis on the development of the German software industry, based on a research project on the software development and the emergence of the software industry in Germany. Between 2007 and 2015 he was a senior researcher and project manager at the Fraunhofer ISI. Before that he worked and researched at the Research Institute for the History of Technology and Science of the Deutsches Museum, the Institute for Information Sciences and New Media at LMU Munich and the Department for Management, Politics and Philosophy at the Copenhagen Business School.
See more: https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/timo-leimbach(3a2bf281-fff9- 4e37-b210-b35b1955e5fc).html
Clausiusstrasse 59 (RZ)
CH-8092 Zürich mirjam.mayer@history.gess.ethz.ch
Since 2020 Mirjam Mayer is working as a research assistant at the Chair of History of Technology at ETH Zurich.
In her undergraduate studies, she studied history and German philology in Basel and at Paris
1. She completed her master's degree in „History and Philosophy of Knowledge“ at ETH Zurich with a thesis on the history of recent forest policy. Between 2016 and 2017 she was a student assistant at the SNF project „Productive Lecture“ at the Chair of Literature and Cultural Studies at ETH and from 2017 to 2020, she was a student assistant at the Chair of History of Technology at ETH.
Currently she works on a dissertation project that focuses on the use and development of personal computers and decentralized networks in the Swiss Federal Administration between 1980 and 1995. There, she asks how decentralization through networking changed bureaucratic action and the working reality of state administration.
For her research, she works with sources from the Swiss Federal Archives and the computer history. Technical manuals together with the organizational considerations that were made in the Federal Administration when PCs and local networks were used are intended to produce an understanding for the structural shifts that digitization entailed for data processing, office work and the conditions of action for the federal personnel.
In June 2022 she presented her dissertation project as part of the online lecture series “Technikgeschichte über Mittag” organized by the KIT, GTG and the professorship of the History of Technology and Economy at TU Dresden under the heading “Arbeiten an der Peripherie. Persönliche Computer und lokale Netze in der Schweizerischen Bundesverwaltung”.
In spring 2022 she worked on an experimental publication project on “Browser Art. Navigating with Style” from the net art duo Jodi that was initiated by the chair for History of Art at KIT (publication expected).
In autumn 2021 she presented parts of her work with Ricky Wichum at the 6th International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing 27th to 29th October 2021 (peer reviewed paper) on “Public Data and Personal Computers. The Emergence of a Personal Computing Culture in the Swiss Federal Administration, ca. 1980”.
Together with Ricky Wichum she held a seminar at ETH Zurich on “Das Persönliche und der Computer. Zur Geschichte des PCs” (spring 2021).
Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam
Christopher Neumaier studied Modern European History, Social and Economic History as well as Sociology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich and European Studies at the University of Cambridge. He submitted his PhD to the Technical University of Munich in 2008. This study analyzes the diverging perception of diesel cars in Germany and in the USA during the second half of the 20th century. From 2008 to 2012, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. In September 2012, he joined the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF). In 2017 and between 2019 and 2021 he held visiting professorships for the history of technology at the Technical University of Munich and the Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg.
Selected Publications
Technological Solutions and Contested Interpretations of Scientific Results: Risk Assessment of Diesel Emissions in the United States and in West Germany, 1977–1995, in: NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 28.4 (2020), 547–588.
“Eco-Friendly” vs. “Cancer-Causing”: Perceptions of Diesel Cars in West Germany and in the USA, 1970–1990, in: Technology & Culture 55/2 (2014), 429–460.
Dieselautos in Deutschland und den USA: Zum Verhältnis von Technologie, Konsum und Politik, 1949–2005, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 2010.
Date/Place of Birth: 09.12.1995, Leverkusen, Germany
Work Address: E-Mail Address: Lennéstraße 1, 53113 Bonn sebastian.randerath@uni-bonn.de
Education and Research Experience
2021– PhD Candidate in Media Studies, University of Bonn PhD-Project: “Plan-Making: Spatio-temporal format histories”
2021– Research Associate and Lecturer, Digital Media Culture, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Friedrich, University of Bonn
2021– PhD Fellow, Structured PhD program, University of Bonn
2020 Research Fellow, DFG Graduate School, Locating Media, Siegen 2018–2021 Research Assistant, SFB 1187 Cooperative Media, Siegen
Research Interests and Selected Publications
Format, Software & Platform Studies; Focus: Design and Digital Labour
Media Historiography and -Theory; Focus: Spatio-Temporal Media Operations, History of Plans and Planning; (Labour) Tracking; Urban Media
Randerath, S. (2022). Zwischen Form und Format: Zur Designgeschichte von CSS. In T. Schwer & M. Kurz (Hrsg.), Raster, Regeln, Ratio – Systematiken und Normungen im Design des 20. Jahrhunderts (S. 112–121). avedition.
Randerath, S. (2021a). Artificial Worlds: Herbert Simon’s Sciences of the Artificial as III- Structured Solution. Design and Philosophy Society Journal, 2(2).
Randerath, S. (2021). Configuring and Being Configured: Parasitic Practices Through Salesforce. In M. Götz, S. Hind, D. Lämmerhirt, H. Neumann, A.-P. Och, S. Randerath, & T. Seitz (Hrsg.), In the Spirit of Addition: Taking a „Practice+“ Approach to Studying Media (S. 5–9). Collaborative Research Center 1187.
„Lubna is a postdoctoral researcher at the Technische Universität Berlin whose work lies at the intersection of technology, business, psychology, and sustainability. She is particularly interested in uncovering the bridges between nature (e.g. biology), behavior, and global socioecological crises, and building connections between the very micro and the visible macro. Her current research primarily focuses on the interface between flexible and digitalized work designs & mental health and wellbeing, in addition to exploring the ecological impacts of (tech-driven) business activities. She is also pursuing a second master’s degree in “Ecology, Evolution, and Nature Conservation” at the University of Potsdam in parallel to research and teaching. She is fascinated by behavioral psychology, environmental biotechnology, neuroscience, cultural evolution, modern digital tools, and the philosophy of science.“
Institutional website of Silvio Suckow: https://www.wzb.eu/de/personen/silvio-suckow