2x 0,65 Research Assistant “Co-constructions of Learning and Technology”
“On the Change of 'Learning Subjects' in the 20th Century”
2023/03/16 by Kevin Liggieri
Two positions as Scientific Assistant (m/f/d) at the Institute of History (EntgGr. 13 TV-H, 65 percent) are available at the Technical University of Darmstadt as of 01.09.2023. The positions are initially limited until August 31, 2025, and thereafter renewable with the prospect of two additional years. The positions are intended as doctoral positions in the Emmy Noether Research Group “Co-constructions of Learning and Technology. On the Transformation of ”Learning Subjects“ in the 20th Century” (KoLT) (DFG project number 492533313).
The research group investigates the connection between “learning” and “technology”. In particular, the conditions of the technification of learning in the history of science and technology are in the foreground. The analysis will be carried out based on three interrelated subprojects: “subject”, “environment” and “gender”. The focus will be on techniques of programmed learning, learning in virtual environments, and self-learning machines. The aim is to work out how quantification has constructed measurable as well as gendered learning subjects. The significance of experiments, technical objects (teaching/learning machines/programs) and technical environments (virtual reality, simulation) in knowledge production and the development of learning theories and gendered learning subjects are the focus of the subprojects. By elaborating epistemological and cultural premises and developments of the co-constructions of learning and technology, a contribution to a deeper understanding of current developments in the field of digital learning and machine learning will be made.
Further information on the Emmy Noether Group can be found here.
Job Description
The scope of duties includes research in one of the subprojects (“Environment”/“Gender”) of the DFG-funded Emmy Noether Research Group. The main tasks are to work on the own scientific qualification (PhD), to participate in scientific presentations as well as publications of the research results. In addition, archival and library work will be carried out in the USA and in Germany in the context of research trips.
A prerequisite for employment is a successfully completed academic university degree (Master's, Magister or state examination) in the field of history or related fields (educational science, History and Philosophy of Science, philosophy, sociology). Knowledge of problems in the history of science/technology and gender history is desirable. The candidate is expected to have a good command of written and spoken English, be highly motivated, reliable, work independently and in a structured manner, and be able to work in a team.
The University has set itself the goal of particularly promoting the professional equality of women. Qualified women are therefore invited to apply. Severely disabled persons will be given preference in case of equal qualification.
Please send your application (letter of motivation explaining which subproject you favor and why, a first outline of ideas for the project is desired; curriculum vitae as well as relevant references and, if applicable, letters of recommendation) by May 01, 2023 with the subject “Call for applications: KoLT” as a single PDF file to the head of the Emmy Noether Research Group Dr. Kevin Liggieri (kevin.liggieri@tu-…).